Apply for Fashion Journalism course with Global Fashion Street

Posted on 03/10/2015 By

Fashion as an industry is not only glamorous from the surface but also filled with fun factor when it comes to working. If you have the knack and interested in making your passion your profession, we have just the opportunity for you.

Apply for Fashion Journalism course with Global Fashion Street

Global Fashion Street offers a six-months intensive study program on Fashion Journalism. The course prepares you for writing and journalistic abilities required to sustain in the industry. It focuses on an overall learning of the industry, domestic and international both, and instills best practices to the candidate.


From understanding fashion as an industry to knowing how trends are made, the course will impart knowledge on Fashion Journalism in totality. The students will learn how color predictions are done for the season and collections are booked. The way different fashion markets operate and a hands-on experience of fashion shoots, styling, make-over and fashion previews. The course includes interaction with top designers, fashion photographers, hair and make-up stylists and fashion choreographers of the industry.

Apply for Fashion Journalism course with Global Fashion Street

The course study will include intensive workshops and writing. Students will get exposure to the industry rather than just theoretical knowledge. The program includes writing for different media in fashion industry viz newspapers, magazines, TV Channel or web writing. They will learn to predict trends, understand and interpret collections and study world famous brands and their USPs.


They will attend fashion shows, shoots and events to get the right insight. As a silver lining, by the time the course get over they already have the right contacts kick start their careers.


The course cuts down the extra effort of interning in various media houses before landing a serious job. The program is certified and designed such that it includes on-job-training as well, thus, preparing them as fashion writers/reporters right at the completion of the course.

For more details and to apply for a seat write to us at Your application through email must include your contact details, a short Bio and a paragraph on why you want to apply for the course.

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Kiran Chopra

Creativeaholic to the core. Sculptor, Writer, Art Curator & Filmmaker, who has been creating for the last 20 years.A traveler in Mind, dreamer in life and a scrapbooker in the times of internet with a potential to enjoy sunshine at 45°

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