Set in the year 1979, Santa Barbara, California, 20th Century Women, is the story of Dorothea Fields who is determined to raise her son, Jamie, single-handedly. It is the time when the west is going through many cultural changes in its society, youth, art, music and everything else.
Middle-aged Dorothea, in her 50s, finds it difficult to connect with her during his teenage days and seeks the help of two younger women, who she feels would be just right to give Jamie the perspectives she cannot.
While Julie is a confident teenager and neighbour to the fields, Abbie on the other hand is a free-spirited modern woman, a hippie at heart and an artist who is a boarder in the field’s home. The story unfolds with Jamie’s learning from life and his understanding of people around.
Scheduled to be released in coming December 25, 2016, the movie is directed by Mike Mills under the banner of Annapurna Pictures and produced by Megan Ellison, Anne Carey and Youree Henleyey Pollard.
The movie has already had its world premiere and won an award too at the New York Film Festival as the Centrepiece on October 8, 2016.
Starring Annette Bening in the lead role as Dorothea Fields and Lucas Jade Zumann as Jamie Fields, her son, the other actors include Elle Fanning as Julie, Greta Gerwig as Abbie and Billy Crudup as William, amongst others.
Mike Mills has also written the story and most of shooting has been done in California itself to lend an authentic feel of the late seventies. Take a glimpse of the trailer to enjoy the feel of that 70s style and fashion vis-a-vis everything. And don’t miss the beatle!
The film’s music has been composed by Roger Neill and has a nostalgic flair to it!
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