Posted on 20/07/2016 By

MASKS from MEXICO - Global Fashion Street

Tiger Mask

Masks are everywhere in the world. Perhaps the oldest art forms that easily and instantly disguises the wearer into anything. Mexico and Asia, two incredibly diverse regions, share some of the most astounding mask cultures when it comes to art and crafts.

MASKS from MEXICO - Global Fashion Street

Picture: Global Fashion Street / Vaibhav Kumar / July 2016

History around the world is a proof of how the mankind has found expression through music and dance intertwined with the ingenious creativity depicted through masks. The Mexican Embassy in India together with the India International Centre in New Delhi has come up with this splendid exhibition of masks from Mexico.

MASKS from MEXICO - Global Fashion Street

Pic 1. The Carnival Dance Parachicos, Pic 2. Mask decorated with wooden beads, Pic 3. Raramuri

Mexico has been a witness to the indigenous cultures that have thrived over the years thanks to the expressions of popular art forms and indeed masks have been a fundamental element of this magical cultural manifestation

MASKS from MEXICO - Global Fashion Street

La Perra Marvailla
Picture: Global Fashion Street / Vaibhav Kumar / July 2016

It is indeed incredible when you see the creativity that reflects through a mask inspired by its cultural heritage. A marvelous instrument, the mask hides the wearer while at the same time transitioning into a new being, whether a king or a god, an animal or the devil itself.

MASKS from MEXICO - Global Fashion Street

Picture: Global Fashion Street / Vaibhav Kumar / July 2016

The element of mystery surrounds the façade, disguising the identity and bringing to the fore a new make-belief world of the creator. It is the veil that once adorned transmits to a different world or time.

MASKS from MEXICO - Global Fashion Street

Pic 1. La Perra Marvailla, Pic 2. Santiago’s Mask, Pic 3. Mask for dancers of Easter
Picture 1 & 2: Global Fashion Street / Vaibhav Kumar / July 2016

Coming from a history which is more than 500 years old, the rich, millenary Mesoamerican mask tradition has survived the Spanish conquest to evolve as the new instruments of communiqué through platforms like European theatre, musical traditions or simply an art form for exhibitions.

“Thanks to syncretism, many indigenous traditions found refuge in the creativity of masks and this ancient art form never fails to emerge in most unexpected places always working as a liberating instrument, perhaps even transforming the wearer into a superhero.”

MASKS from MEXICO - Global Fashion Street

Pic 1. Pascola, Pic 2. Diablo, Pic 3. Vasario
Picture: Global Fashion Street / Vaibhav Kumar / July 2016

“The Embassy of Mexico is very happy to share these wonderful masks from Mexico. We are certain that they will fulfil their purpose of showing us different worlds and our countries will exchange the meaningful experience of this art,” says Melba Pría, Ambassador of Mexico to India.

Masks of Mexico exhibition will feature 33 different masks made from materials that range from polychrome clay to lacquered wood and even synthetic fibre. The exhibition is on display till July 31st, 2016.

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Kiran Chopra

Creativeaholic to the core. Sculptor, Writer, Art Curator & Filmmaker, who has been creating for the last 20 years.A traveler in Mind, dreamer in life and a scrapbooker in the times of internet with a potential to enjoy sunshine at 45°

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