Grosvenor Gallery Presents Solo Show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri

As a part of Asian Art in London: East Asian Art Week, London based Grosvenor Gallery Presents a solo of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri from October 30th to November 20th, 2020.

Posted on 31/10/2020 By

The Tiger pattern will catch your attention instantly and the artworks will intrigue you even more. Read on to know about the new exhibition. The Grosvenor Gallery presents solo show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri during the ongoing Asian Art Festival in London. This is Zimbiri’s first solo show in UK and her work will be presented from 30th October till 20th November 2020. There will be a late-night viewing on Sunday, 1 November from 18.00 – 21.00. pm

Grosvenor Gallery Presents Solo Show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri

Grosvenor Gallery Presents Solo Show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri

What is Grosvenor Gallery Solo Show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri about…

Zimbiri’s collection at the gallery is a part of her ‘Tiger’ series, that she has created in various perspectives. The tiger, for her is a symbol with multiple connotations and mythic references. The enigmatic animal is a symbol of strength and power yet exudes fragility and charm, and a constant play of power in the complex dynamics between the man and nature.

So, why has Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri used this theme…

Zimbiri reveals her muse of using the tiger motifs inspired by the nature of cats, “I remember reading this quote once that described the difference between cats and dogs. How the nature of dogs is to believe that the humans who feed them and look after them are gods; whereas the nature of cats is to believe they themselves are gods. We admire the characteristics of dogs: loyal, obedient and loving. But I am beginning to admire the characteristics of cats as well: independent, proud and adaptable. It was with this in mind that I decided to use the tiger, the king of cats, as a motif for my collection.” Thus describes the artists her obsession to paint the wild beast whilst explaining her theme.

Grosvenor Gallery Presents Solo Show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri

HEAD IN A BOX, 2020 | 24 x 24 in

Who is Zimbiri…

Most people will agree that her name itself has a ring to it, mysterious and artistic, like it was meant to be an artist’s name. And when you see her work, you only realize how somethings are just destined to be! Zimbiri’s work is phenomenal in terms of thought, expression and presentation. Definite strokes and a poetic balance of colors in this young Bhutanese artist’s work is something truly exceptional.

Zimbiri was born(1991) and raised in Bhutan and finished her undergrad from Wheaton College, MA, with a double major in Economics and Fine Arts. Truly, a combination that assures a strong analytical mind topped with refined aesthetic sense. This is her third series, her first being ‘Faces’ which apparently was also the first female artist solo exhibition of Bhutan. Zimbiri has showcased her works in some prominent art festivals of the world including the Art Basel, Hongkong (2018); the Serendipity Art Festival and India Art Fair in 2017.

Grosvenor Gallery Presents Solo Show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri

Saa-tshen on Rhay-shing | 30 1/8 x 29 7/8 in

This Fall, Grosvenor Gallery Presents Solo Show of Bhutanese Artist Zimbiri – Discover the artist and to know more about her artwork, visit her website at
The Grosvenor Gallery Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 10.00-18.00, Sat 31st Oct 12.00-16.00

Sun 1st Nov 12.00-21.00, Sat 7th Nov 12.00-16.00
Sundays Closed

To discover the gallery and its collection, visit

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