Thank U, Next is a pop number by ‘Woman of the year 2018’ named by Billboard, Ariana Grande and was released on 3rd November 2018 with no prior official announcement.
The song is more about the complications of modern day relationships where the the singer is trying to potray positivie takeaways from her failed relationships and how it has helped her to evolve and become stronger with a new perspective.
The song had recently created more buzz and brought a fresh wave for its fans when it was used as reference by Google CEO Sundar Pichai during an investor earnings call as a success story of YouTube as within 24 hours of premiering on the Google-owned video streaming site last November it broke records with more than 50 million views.
That definitely is refreshing and amusing. Way to go Ariana!!!
The Heartbreak and A Breakup Song- Thank u, Next by Ariane Grnde
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Varnica is an avid reader and loves to write poetry and songs. A movie buff, music lover and an amateur photographer, she also likes to cook and watch seasons in her free time.