Painted Weaves

Posted on 29/02/2016 By

S.G. Vasudev - Global Fashion Street

Painted Weaves by S.G. Vasudev

It is the visual story of an unusual work, the extraordinary effort of artist S.G Vasudev along with the master weaver Subbarayalu to bring out his own paintings and art work as a loom in the fine craft of silk of India. Having taken his inspiration from the likes of Braque and Picasso other than what moved him during his visit to Europe, Vasudev, endeavoured to create his drawings and paintings into a tapestry craft.

S.G. Vasudev - Global Fashion Street

Man & Tree 93×88

Each piece is a celebration of belief, creativity and the beauty of colours. The woven imageries are a result of all the hard work put in over a period of time and the careful selection of threads and colours, often, dyed especially for the purpose. The tapestries that depict a pictorial harmony of form, colour and texture, have been created on a stand loom to help in holding the warp to smoothen the process of interweaving the weft of silk thread.

S.G. Vasudev - Global Fashion Street

She & Tree 96×89

From shades of indigo to simple black and white, Vasudev has played with colours as much as he has with the weaves. To be able to come out with such a graphical representation of his work, it is only commendable to laud him for his patience and perseverance, considering the measured process that the art of weaving seems to be. The creations range from a myriad version of trees, coupled with feminine forms, life and the earth itself.

S.G. Vasudev - Global Fashion Street

Theatre of Life 76×85

The idea took to its practical form in 1995 after Vasudev collaborated with Subbarayalu for this collection and the result of these two decades is at display at the India International Centre where Vasudev is exhibiting till 9th March, 2016. A brilliant collection of silk tapestries that will only leave you spellbound!

Painted Weaves - Global Fashion Street

Tree & Monkeys 98x107cms

Painted Weaves - Global Fashion Street

Earthscape 117×122 cms
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