Avon Breakthroughs with Protinol in Skincare

Topical skincare plumping shots to restore lost collagen in a week

Posted on 10/06/2021 By

It’s a breakthrough in skincare from Avon cosmetics. The beauty product giant, for the women, of the women and by the women has been bringing a world of beauty and skincare products, around the world for the last 130 years. This latest in topical skincare, Avon breakthroughs with Protinol in Skincare, ‘the plumping shots’ to restore lost collagen in just seven days.

Avon Patented Breakthrough Protinol Restores Collagen in Just Seven Days - Global Fashion Street

Avon Breakthroughs with Protinol in Skincare | Avon

Miracle in Skincare- Your Skin, Reborn

Making the facial skin as good as a baby’s skin with a perfect equilibrium of type 1 and 3 collagens, are the new Protinal shots. Already patented in more than 20 countries, they are nothing short of a miracle in skin science. The Protinol ANEW Skin Reset Plumping Shots, is a part of the ANEW range, an already bestseller from the Avon shelf. It is developed and tested in partnership with Dr. Bayat at the University of Manchester, UK.

These shots have proven to restore collagen of both types, 1 and 3 found in a baby’s skin. And that’s exactly what they do. They give a younger and healthier skin by restoring the collagen in just seven days. Dr. Bayat has independently tested the components of the product to understand its potential. And he says that it is for the first time that he has ever seen a
significant increase in collagen 3 from a topical application.

Avon Patented Breakthrough Protinol Restores Collagen in Just Seven Days - Global Fashion Street

The Protinol plumping shots help restore seven years of lost collagen giving your skin a firmer and plumper look.

What is baby collagen and why is it so important for healthy skin?

Collagen is what gives your skin the irresistible quality, texture and bounce found only in baby skin. It makes up 80% of skin thus being the most critical structural protein present in your skin. However, as we start growing, not all of it is produced equally. The collagen is a complex protein which is not easy to replace once lost. There are mainly two types of collagen (1 and 3) both equally important and instrumental in giving our skin the texture it has. But collagen 3, also known as baby collagen, is only present in infant skin and provides a framework that collagen 1 binds to. Thus making the presence of both significant to function properly.

In baby skin, when collagen levels are in their prime, collagen 1 and 3 are both present in equal proportions, working together in perfect harmony. However, even during childhood, the skin starts to lose this optimum collagen balance.

Up till now, skincare brands around the world have only been able to effectively restore only collagen 1 thus the impact has always been minimal. This new Avon patented breakthrough Protinol restores collagen in just seven days giving it back both types of collagen, and therefore giving your skin, its best years.

Avon Patented Breakthrough Protinol Restores Collagen in Just Seven Days - Global Fashion Street

The Marketing Head at Avon, Snigdha Suman, exhilarates, “Whilst Avon has been leading the way in innovation for many years, Protinol is one of the most exciting discoveries of the decade. To find an ingredient that targets baby collagen as well as collagen 1 to restore skin plumpness is truly ground-breaking.”

Avon Breakthroughs with Protinol in Skincare- How to use the Protinol Plumping Shots?

The Protinol shots are actually ampoules that come in a pack of 7 for a seven day course, containing enough potion to cover your face, neck and décolletage to be used at night on a freshly cleansed skin. Additionally, the ‘Anew Reversalist’ range from Avon that comprises of a cleanser, toner, day and night creams when used along with the Protinol shots, give a much faster result. The creams, comprising the power of Protinol, have also clinically proved to contain 2x the collagen than their counterparts over the shelf.

Avon Patented Breakthrough Protinol Restores Collagen in Just Seven Days - Global Fashion Street

The range claims to bring visible results in just 48 hrs, minimising the fine lies and wrinkles and giving the skin a plumper youthful look. The course can be repeated once a month to keep the collagen levels boosted for a youthful skin or used as a revitalizing boost for special occasions.

How does the Protinol miracle works?

What’s remarkable is that this combination of Protinol and Phytol actually increase the Hyaluronic Acid production in our skin by over 100%. Thus, advancing the collagen production which results in a solid boost to hydration and life force. Ideal for women above 35 yrs, the range promises to replenish lost moisture, diminishing wrinkles and reducing fine lines. Hence, a renewed skin with ‘The Anew Reversalist’ range.

Where to get it from?

The ANEW Skin Reset Plumping Shots along with the new range is available through independent Avon sales representative across the world. You can reach out for the product from Avon and other offers from the brand delivered right at your doorstep. Just send in the message “Hi Avon with your pin code” at 8527790894. And an Avon representative will get in touch with you!

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