Think Well, Be well

Posted on 02/12/2015 By


Do you know a human mind thinks an average of about 75000 thoughts in a day!! And imagine if all of them were to come true… BOOM!! The ones which sneak in after a fight with a loved one …all the thoughts when we are angry!

Everything that now exists was once a thought …which means that everything that is going to exist is also going to be a thought. All our actions are initiated with a seed of thought and that’s the power of a thought!


What happens if we watch a horror movie? What are the after effects? Does it have an impact on our actions? Do we get scared to enter a dark room? No physical change has occurred ….however our mental frame sends us signals based on our recent experience. That is what happens in our life too!!

Based on our experiences, our thoughts manifest. Now based on these thoughts we manifest the next action. The thoughts that we think and the words we speak have a definite effect on our life. If we haven’t been able to change the way we’ve been living our life, is there a possibility that we need to change the way we think about life/about the situation.


“If we cannot change a situation, we are challenged to look at it differently”

Let’s look at an example-who is more likely to develop high BP, hypertension, a person who gets angry easily or the ones at the receiving end? Then who is the actual victim?

Let me ask you another question …what is the source of darkness? None …Just the absence of light causes it! Similarly the source of anger, is the absence of peace in our life, the cause of darkness/unhappiness/unrest in our life, could it be the absence of understanding on how to find it!

Think about it and think well!!! It has the power to make you what you’ve always wanted to be!

The time and energy you spend on any area of life will have a definite effect on the result. So :

⦁ Every hour spend a minute to watch what you’re thinking …is it pleasant …is it taking you towards or away from your goal

⦁ Anything negative , get intellectually involved in it …Figure out the root cause of the problem/situation…put an action plan , plot the learnings and move on quickly!

⦁ Anything positive, celebrate!!! Get emotionally involved in it. What you do more of, will multiply and come back to you

Think well! Stay well! Be well!

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Ruchi Narang

Ruchi brings along with a Rich experience of 15 years in the field of Behavioral and Leadership skills training in the Corporate World. She is a Reiki Master and has been practicing it for 16 years . She runs her own workshop – “Love , Laugh and Live , FLY ( Fall in love with yourself ) with an objective to help everyone lead a fulfilled life.

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7 thoughts on “Think Well, Be well”

  1. I have known forever and this has strengthened my belief even further .. Ruchi .. You are simply awesome ..
    God bless

  2. Ruchi, very nicely articulate…in so little words you have said it all….awesome

  3. Great going bhabhi & mind blowing thoughts….person like u is always a source of joy for everyone u meet..& teach others how to live life beautifully with just positive attiude in life….

  4. Your are truly inspirational. Thank you so much for awakening us and letting us know the power of thoughts.
    Time to Think well ! Be well !
    -Love Laugh Live-

  5. Very nicely articulated Ruchi ….
    Simple but with a lot of depth. Irony is that we are running in a race we don’t even know the finish line n we are just running n running n running leaving ourself behind leaving our loved ones behind.
    It’s time to take a pause n think that how far u have come from urself .. Thx for reminding all of us that there is someone within u who is still waiting for u ….

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