What is the purpose of this Life?

Posted on 06/01/2016 By

What is the purpose of this Life? - Global Fashion Street

This question crossed my mind many times from early childhood, “What is the purpose of this Life?” I had no answer; I looked around at others and found that most of the people are going after material richness. There were a few who opted for spiritual richness but I didn’t come across any.

The question bothered me more when I was in my mid thirties. I had experimented with alcohol and drugs. Though the high I got from drugs was ecstatic, it would not stay for more than a few hours and after that the low I experienced was a big nightmare. The drug addiction phase was the worst. I left home, came on streets, and became a petty criminal to fulfil my requirement of drugs and one day, I landed in jail. I was in jail for 3 years and 20 days. My father expired 20 days prior to my release. I couldn’t attend his funeral.

What is the purpose of this Life? - Global Fashion Street

So, when I came out of jail, I knew that if I take drugs again, I will be back in jail. I started alcohol again and sometimes drugs as well. I had a spiritual experience when I was 37. I don’t know how but from that moment onwards, I felt the need to practice meditation which my father taught me at the age of fourteen. My thinking also changed after this experience. I wanted to stop all negative things which I had been practicing.

Hence, started my struggle to stop alcohol and smoking; I switched from smoking to chewing tobacco and it continued. But the alcohol was the real test. In the coming nine years, I struggled to stop and start alcohol maybe 50 to 60 times. And during this time, I realized that my will power and intelligence are useless to stay away from alcohol.

What is the purpose of this Life? - Global Fashion Street

I tried the four major religions in India, namely Hindu, Islam, Christianity and Sikhism. I went to astrologers, tantrics, psychiatrists, de-addiction centres, etc. In short, to all the people and places, who claimed they could help. I realized that none of them have the power to get me rid of alcohol.

Through God’s grace, I reached a fellowship of people, who showed me a new spiritual way of life, which would help me in connecting to a God of my own understanding. And this fellowship clicked. It has a spiritual program which helped me in my personal conscious contact with a God of my understanding.

What is the purpose of this Life? - Global Fashion Street

During this spiritual life of last nine years, I realized that the purpose of human life is to attain Spiritual Perfection. The material things are only accessories to practice this path. But because of the ignorance I thought that material richness is prime and spiritual richness is secondary. I found that matter can’t be perfected. Matter is dead and it’s the spirit which makes it move.

Today, I am at Peace because I know that I am just a puppet to play a particular role in this creation. I am not WHOLE, I am a part of the WHOLE.

Spiritual progress will help a Man to enjoy sex life till late in his life. But material progress sucks the same energy for having more of money, power and fame. To have a good peaceful life it’s important that a person spends some time during the day for spiritual growth. Once it becomes a regular habit then it’ll start giving a positive high to that person and life will become a beautiful journey to be enjoyed, life won’t feel like a burden.

Sharing with others what I have is the best way of showing my love to the world.

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​Krishna’s journey to discovering the self began 18 years back and he realized the truth 9 years back after he broke up with drugs and alcohol. For the last nine years he has been practicing this method of meditation and he has got Peace which is intensifying every passing day. Today, he mentors people in distress and serves all who ask for his help.​

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