7 Glamourous and Easy Coffee Recipes

Abdul Sahid Khan, Head Trainer, Lavazza India brings 7 easy Recipes to make the most of your winter Coffee dreams come alive

Posted on 17/12/2021 By

If you have been craving for coffee and are too apprehensive to move out, you are at the right place. We have for you some amazing easy to make-at-home coffee ideas that will bring joy to your festive season. So, here are 7 Glamourous and Easy Coffee Recipes that can be savored at home.


7 Glamourous and Easy Coffee Recipes |Dublin Fizzy Coffee

1. Dublin Fizzy Coffee

Feel like you’re in Dublin and enjoying the holiday with your friends while drinking this boozy cold

What you need:
1. One shot Espresso for Moka Pot coffee
2. 60-80ml Club Soda
3. 15ml Simple Syrup
4. 60ml Baileys original Irish Cream or just Irish Flavor
5. Whipped cream
6. Pinch of Cinnamon, for garnish

How to go about it:
Combine coffee, Club Soda, and simple syrup in an ice-filled 12-oz glass. Carefully pour Irish cream over it. Top it with whipped cream and sprinkle the cinnamon. Viola! Your Dublin Fizzy is ready to be savored.

Creamy Spiced Mocha

2. Creamy Spiced Mocha

You will be surprised at how just three simple ingredients have the power to transform an ordinary cup of coffee into a glamorous Mocha. The happiness of a wholesome coffee is incomparable, especially when it’s a perfectly blended Mocha. Here you go:

What you need:
1. 60-80ml hot Brewed Coffee or strong French Press Coffee
2. 15ml Chocolate Syrup
3. 60ml Half-and-Half Whipped Cream and Chocolate Shavings, for serving

How to go about it:
Pour coffee in the mug and add chocolate syrup. Stir
it well and top it with half-and-half. Garnish with whipped cream and
chocolate shavings before serving. And if you like, you may also garnish it with bigger chocolate

For the ignorant few, half-and-half is just a mix of cream and whole milk in equal portions. Thus, half-and-half!

7 Glamourous and Easy Coffee Recipes

Almond Cinnamon Latte

3. Almond Cinnamon Latte

This refreshingly sweet Latte is not only vegan but also an immunity booster. Perfect for your start of the day, Almond Cinnamon Latte can be quite filling as well.

What you need:
1. 60ml Almond Milk ( You also can try Vanilla almond milk)
2. Two tsp Demerara / Brown Sugar
3. Just a pinch of Cinnamon powder, plus additional for garnish
4. Α pinch of Nutmeg Powder
5. Shot of Espresso or Mocha Coffee
6. Cinnamon stick, for garnishing.

How to go about it:
Put almond milk, cinnamon and brown sugar in a microwave safe container and cover it with the lid. Shake for a minute to mix it well and until it becomes frothy.
Uncover the container and microwave in 30-second increments till it’s steaming hot.

And if you have an electric hand-blender for frothing, then it’s even better. After heating the ingredients, you can do the frothing. You can now add coffee to your choice of mug and pour this mixture over it. Stir gently to combine. For garnishing you may top with a cinnamon stick and sprinkle some ground cinnamon powder.

7 Glamourous and Easy Coffee Recipes

Coffee Cardamom Ice Cream

4. Coffee Cardamom Ice Cream

As a matter of fact, this is something tasty and quite easy to make. It is like custard smooth in its texture, primarily because we use condensed milk to make it. The condensed milk makes the ice-cream extra creamy and the cardamom adds a sweet flavor. Therefore making it just perfect for the Indian taste buds and apt for celebrations.

What you need:
1. 2 cups Light Cream (35% fat cream)
2. 125 ml coarsely ground Coffee Powder (Preferably darker roast)
3. 6 whole Cardamom, lightly crushed
4. Pinch Cinnamon
5. 1⁄2 tsp Salt
6. 4 Egg Yolks
7. 300ml Condensed Milk

How to go about it:
Combine cream, coffee, cardamom, cinnamon, and salt in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring the mix to boil and remove from the heat to let it steep for about twenty minutes. Now strain this cream mixture and pour it in a saucepan to heat at medium-high until it’s heated through nicely.

Alternatively, in a separate bowl, whisk egg yolks and condensed milk till it’s pale and smooth to look at. Now, slowly whisk the hot cream mixture prepared earlier to this egg yolk mixture until smooth. You will need to cover this and chill it completely before making the final preparation.

Pour this chilled mixture directly into the ice cream maker and follow the process as Instructed in the ice cream maker. It needs to be transferred to a sealable container to freeze it to the final setting.


5. Mocha-Cappuccino

Yes, the Mocha-Cappuccino is a one step ahead version of the regular cappuccino with a dash of Vanilla and lots of cocoa! It is very simple though to make yet very delicious for a classic recipe to be tried with espresso.

What you need:
1. 10 ml Vanilla Syrup
2. 20gm Cocoa Powder
3. 30ml Freshly Brewed Espresso
4. 150-180 ml Hot Milk

How to go about it:
You can try some dark roast like Robusta for a fresh brew directly into the mug. Add the Vanilla syrup and Cocoa Powder to the mug and mix it well. Alternatively, you need to steam and texture the hot milk into a thick silky foam. Slowly pour the steamed milk into the mug to retain the foam and shake the frother slowly. In fact, you can also experiment with marshmallow chunks for garnish.

Iced Espresso with Choco chips

6. Iced Espresso with Choco chips

If you have a major sweet tooth, this is your cup of coffee! With a strong caffeine kick, this refreshing iced espresso is made with simple ingredients. A tempting blend of chocolate in espresso, this drink is worth a try.

What you need:
1. 20 gm Choco chips
2. 45 ml freshly brewed espresso
3. 30ml cold milk
4. 1 scoop chocolate ice-cream
5. Whipped cream
6. Ice-cubes

How to go about it:
Start with brewing the espresso and leaving it aside for cooling. In a separate jar blend ice-cream, milk, espresso and ice-cubes until smooth. Now add the Choco chips and do a quick blend of 20 seconds. Pour the drink in a glass and add a dash of whipped cream and sprinkle Choco chips as garnishing.

And for the Vegan enthusiasts, remember to replace milk and ice-cream with about 80 ml of Soy cream.

Butter Rum Espresso Martini

7. Butter Rum Espresso Martini

One of the most glitzy of the 7 Glamourous and Easy Coffee Recipes is Butter Rum espresso Martini. The espresso martini comes in many variations but this one in particular is non-alcoholic and with butter rum. The combined sweet aromas of coffee and rum make this drink an irresistible espresso coffee-tail!

What you need:
1. 20ml Butter rum flavor
2. 45ml freshly brewed espresso
3. 10 ml chocolate syrup
4. Ice cubes
5. Whole Coffee beans- just 3 for garnishing

How to go about it:
For this recipe in particular, you may choose 100% Arabica beans to make your freshly brewed espresso. Take a cocktail shaker and in the following order add ice cubes, freshly brewed hot espresso, chocolate sauce and finally add the butter rum flavor. Shake it aggressively to get a frothy texture.

Pour this into a martini glass and place the three coffee beans as garnishing. Additionally, you could also rim the glass with either cinnamon powder or demerara sugar before pouring the mix.

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