Understanding the chakra energy and how our chakras energize our body brought to you in a series of columns by Ruchi Narang, Life Coach,
“We are not human beings who have come for a spiritual experience, we are actually spiritual beings who have come here for a human experience” – Dr. Wayne Dyer
In order to enrich our human experience, it is important to take care of our body, the body which is pivotal to the human journey. Today, we understand that to keep our body energized, nourishing it with good food, exercise and thoughts is important. However, some of us may not be conscious of it most of the time.
This magnificent piece of machinery starts indicating troubles, when we do not lubricate it with the right oil, timely maintenance services and inward cleaning. Our body receives energy from an unlimited source through various channels. If these energy sources get blocked due to any reason, the body indicates this by manifesting symptoms in the physical form.
According to our Yogic Knowledge, there are seven energy centers, or also referred to as the Seven Major Chakras in our body. These energy centers not only help us with the physical wellbeing, however are also foundational to our spiritual growth.
Each chakra is associated with a certain part of the body and can be imagined as energy circles which vibrate at a different frequency for each individual .The seven colors of the universe, i.e. the rainbow also corresponds to each of these seven chakras. That is how intricately we are knit with the universe. Each energy center also has a sound or a ‘Myntra’ associated with it.
Today, we are going to talk about the first chakra, it’s called the “Muladhara” or the Root Chakra . It is located at the base of the spine, reaching
downward, precisely at the coccyx. The color associated with this chakra is Red. And the myntra is “Lam”.
Areas of the body governed by this chakra are the spinal column, anus, colon, prostate, blood and the kidneys.
Apart from the physical well-being of these organs, various researches bring out the emotional / spiritual dimensions of the chakras working well.
Open energy flow in the root chakra brings alertness and clarity in daily life, strong motivation and perseverance, firm rootedness in life, strong physical and mental resilience, high levels of physical confidence and self-assurance, firm connection with the earth and with nature, and love of life (Chakra Breathing (1994), Helmut G. Sieczka). On the other hand, blocked energy, results in lack of self-assertiveness and confidence in life, difficulty in finding a sense of direction, insecurity, anxiety, worry and existential fears around survival.
In ‘Healing With The Energy Of The Chakras’ Ambika Wauters says, that when the chakra is functional it will “support one in manifesting all creative desires.”
In ‘Body, the greatest Gadget’ Sadguru says “It is believed if your energies are dominant here then food and sleep will be the most dominant factors in your life. Chakras have both physical existence and also have a spiritual dimension. This means that they can be completely transformed. For example, if you bring the right kind of awareness, the same muladhara that craves food and sleep, can become absolutely free from the process of food and sleep.”
In order to make the best out of this beautiful human journey, it is important to recognize that if the energy flows well in these centers than we achieve perfect harmony and balance in life. ! Isn’t that what a lot of us are looking for!
Look forward to next week on the next Chakra!
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