How Yoga makes you look Younger and Live Longer

Yoga and meditation together have the power to improve your intuitive and physical ability

Posted on 16/02/2017 By

You may read as many books and concepts as possible, but until they are put into practice there is no experience of reality nor will you see any manifestation of its true potential.

How Yoga makes you look Younger and Live Longer - Global Fashion Street

How Yoga makes you look Younger and Live Longer || Upavishtakonasana

Yoga helps you to become more mindful, aware and conscious. This is the most important essence of Yoga – to completely focus on the present. Yoga practice improves coordination, concentration, memory, response time, and even IQ scores. This ability to concentrate more and to be less distracted by thoughts by meditating will help demonstrate the ability to solve problems and recall information better.

The aim of life is not only to survive through it but to enjoy it to full capacity – qualitatively. The asanas/postures, pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation comes together beautifully packaged in a holistic fitness program. The benefits of this, which are numerous, can only be experienced by a regular practitioner.

How Yoga makes you look Younger and Live Longer - Global Fashion Street

Regular practice of Yoga creates a pattern in the body and the mind, and after many years of practice, perfection is attained, irrespective and regardless of the initial circumstances. It does not matter if the body is old or young, sick or feeble, everybody is eligible to practice Yoga and to attain self-realization.

You may be looking for a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health, etc – Yoga offers it all. Unfortunately, Yoga is misunderstood as being limited only to asanas. Its benefits are perceived to be only at the physical level but we fail to realize the immense benefits Yoga has to offer in uniting the body, mind and breath. When all these are in harmony, the journey through life seems much calmer and happier.

How Yoga makes you look Younger and Live Longer - Global Fashion Street

Regular practice of Yoga gets you moving and helps in burning calories. Yoga helps you to move more and eat less! The spiritual and the emotional dimensions of your practice will also encourage you to address any eating and weight problems on a much deeper level. Yoga, will inspire you to become a more conscious eater. With regular practice, we also tend to become more sensitive to the kind of food we eat and the time we take to eat.

Remember, Yoga is a continuous process, so keep practicing! You only need to experience it yourself to believe it. Yoga and meditation, together have the power to improve your intuitive ability so you can make your decisions more spontaneously and realize the best possible way to tackle your problems, to yield positive results.

It does work. The deeper you go into your Yoga practice, the more profound the benefits will be!

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Sunaina Ravindra

Having started as an advertising professional, Sunaina’s Journey includes her education in Engineering and an MBA degree before she finally stepped from the peak of her career to follow her dream of pursuing the path of wellness. She has been running marathons for over a decade now and practices and teaches yoga in Mysore. She also heads the India chapter of a NGO – ‘CLIMB against Sexual Abuse’ apart from being an ambassador of Pinkathon.

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