If I were to be reborn by Dr Kiran Bedi

I owe all my life achievements to my mother

Posted on 20/09/2016 By

If I were asked by God to choose my parents in my next birth, I would say God, please reunite me with my parents. Because what we four sisters got from our parents wish every girl child gets that.

If I were to be reborn by Dr Kiran Bedi - Gloabal Fashion Street

If I were to be reborn by Dr Kiran Bedi

We were four of us daughters, no brother. But not once did we hear our parents say wish we had a son.

I am talking of the times when daughters were a big burden on their families. Since giving of dowry was legitimate.

My mother and father were determined to give us the best they had, for education, nutrition, sports, clothing, care and upbringing.

We sisters used to fight amongst ourselves as with whom will our parents stay when we grow up and join different professions.

I won in the end. May be because my mother thought i needed them the most due to my 24×7 Police work.

More so when I became a mother. When my mother saw that I was having a tough time combining my motherhood with my police work she stepped in the shift to Delhi from Amritsar to take care of me. I owe all my life achievements to my mother. She continued to look after me till the last day of her life.

If I were to be reborn by Dr Kiran Bedi - Gloabal Fashion Street

In me she saw her own fulfilment.

She wanted all her daughters to be self reliant. And this is what she did. We all girls were every day inspired by her to continue our education to the maximum. She stepped in even to take care of her grand children so that her daughters can continue to progress in their professions while the children too get full care.

When I was expecting my child, I was more comfortable with the thought of bearing a daughter for the reason I had seen how much daughters care for their parents. As we did.

My daughter in turn has a daughter and is doing home schooling for her so that she gets the best education from all possible sources.

Mother-daughter relationship is indescribable for me. It is the whole world complete.

For my mother, her daughters were the universe. She did her maximum that we reach where she wanted us to.

If I were to be reborn by Dr Kiran Bedi - Gloabal Fashion Street

She taught us the values of human life. She taught us to be disciplined and be conscientious. She wanted us to be the best in all we did.

What ever I am today, am due to the fact that my mother loved her daughters. She believed the sky was the limit for us. She achieved her lives goals though us. We were joy for her.

If I were to be reborn, I pray for the same mother, same father, to be the same me…

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