If you are looking for balance in life, this is your ultimate answer

Posted on 25/02/2017 By

Yoga is the ultimate connection of body, breath and mind, and hence anyone can benefit from a well defined yoga practice or program.

If you are looking for balance in life, this is your ultimate answer - Global Fashion Street

If you are looking for balance in life, this is your ultimate answer

Yoga is much more than just poses. Derived from the Sankrit word “yuj” which means “to unite or integrate”, Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Yoga is all about harmonizing the body with the mind and breath through means of various breathing techniques, yoga poses (asanas) and meditation.

No matter what phase of your life you are in, yoga is for everyone.  Whether you are on cloud nine or down in the valley, yoga will bring balance into whatever your current mind set.

We all have to start somewhere. Many believe that yoga is a competition that only “Yogi’s” can do. The fact is that we all have started with a different body and mind set before our yoga journey began. Yoga is an awesome physical exercise. Asanas tone up the body, keep our internal organs and the hormonal system in balance, and refresh the mind and spirit. Hence, it is essential for people of all ages to practice yoga regularly. The point of Yoga is to connect to the deeper part of you – to rediscover who you are and then to carry that confident you, out into the world.

If you are looking for balance in life, this is your ultimate answer - Global Fashion Street

Remember, yoga is not a competition. It is who and what you want to be. Learn to appreciate your journey and progress. You may fall at times, you may walk out of the studio feeling very good, you may not like your practice someday, but if you can bring that stillness, peace and confidence into your life, then your life will change in amazing ways. Yoga will help you find why you are here and what you want out of life.

Yoga is a low impact workout that lubricates the joints and massages the muscles. You can practice yoga for your entire life and use it as an aid for staying young and agile. Irrespective of what physical or mental state you are in, one can practice Yoga because of the various benefits Yoga has to offer. Whether you are young or old, flexible or rigid, strong or weak, anyone can practice Yoga and start building strength and flexibility.

If you are looking for balance in life, this is your ultimate answer - Global Fashion Street

With today’s busy lifestyle, we all need our ‘me’ time. And the only way through it is to get still, and spend some time with yourself. Yoga is perfect for that.

Yoga is different from other forms of physical exercise. At first, you’re going to feel a little awkward and unfit, but the amount of support, confidence and energy you will receive is beyond measure – and so worth a little discomfort in the beginning.

So go ahead and do Yoga!

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Sunaina Ravindra

Having started as an advertising professional, Sunaina’s Journey includes her education in Engineering and an MBA degree before she finally stepped from the peak of her career to follow her dream of pursuing the path of wellness. She has been running marathons for over a decade now and practices and teaches yoga in Mysore. She also heads the India chapter of a NGO – ‘CLIMB against Sexual Abuse’ apart from being an ambassador of Pinkathon.

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