Life Gyaan – is your attitude right

Life, it’s a mystery. We do not know what lies ahead of us.

Posted on 18/11/2016 By

Whatever life throws at us we need to take it in our stride. We should not get bogged down by it. Accept what is given to us and what the future brings.

Life Gyaan – is your attitude right - Global Fashion Street

Life Gyaan – is your attitude right ||
Picture: Global Fashion Street / Kiran Chopra / Nov. 2016

This is the charm of life. If we were to know what’s going to happen the next moment then life will be pretty boring, isn’t it? Sometimes the unpredictability of life is very scary. The future is an unknown horizon. But we should not give up on it.

We should keep on living with zest and enthusiasm. This is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. There are times when we feel like giving it all up but we should never give up. It is easy to give up but difficult to go on. The key to not giving up is perseverance.

Life Gyaan – is your attitude right - Global Fashion Street

Life goes on at a very fast pace. Even before we realize, days become years and years turn into decades. Childhood is the best time of a person’s life. As a child we are free from the worries of life. But it goes by in a jiffy.

Suddenly, we realize, we are thrown into this jungle called real life. A lot of things are imposed on us as we grow older. We are expected to perform and behave in a certain manner otherwise we are not considered normal and we stand out.

Life Gyaan – is your attitude right - Global Fashion Street

Picture: Global Fashion Street / Kiran Chopra / Nov. 2016

Adulthood comes with a lot of responsibilities. How we wish to live our life depends on us. We can look for happiness in the mundane chores of life. We can choose to fulfill our responsibilities happily with a smile on our face or we can choose to sulk over it. It all depends on the attitude. A good attitude makes a good life. A bad or negative attitude can ruin our life.

Live for your own self but also live for helping others. Life is difficult, no doubt but we can live it positively and make it better for ourselves as well as others. Make the most of it before it’s too late.

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Deepali Mehndiratta

Deepali Mehndiratta has a Bachelors degree in English from Delhi University. She is an avid reader and writes poetry. She loves to travel and has been to various countries around the world. She has an inclination towards spirituality and mysticism .Professionally, she has a prior experience in Talent Acquisition but is a homemaker at the moment. She lives in Gurgaon with her husband and son.

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