Quick Healthy Breakfast

Posted on 25/04/2016 By

Here’s your guide to these two quick healthy breakfast options for Vegetarians and Non-vegetarians both. A fast rustle for those frightfully busy mornings…

Boiled Egg Salad

Quick Healthy Breakfast - Global Fashion Street

Boiled Egg Salad
Picture: Global Fashion Street / Team GFS / April 2016

I owe this recipe to my friend who introduced me to this great quick yet sumptuous meal when he took me to the by lanes of Chandni Chowk in the heart of Delhi. It was during Ramzan days and pretty late at night for any good restaurants to be open and my friend suggested this vendor who was famous for his ‘Egg-Chaat’

I fell in love with the dish with the first mouthful. After a couple of try-outs I could finally get the exact taste, so here’s the key to the secret. Enjoy the Egg-Chaat, the Chandni Chowk style, a snack that you can rustle up within minutes, for the cold winter evenings.

What you need (ingredients)

Eggs (2)
Onion (1)
Garlic (2Clove)
Coriander Leaf
Red Chilly
Salt to taste

How to go about (recipe)

Boiled Eggs (Slice them eight pieces)
Cut Onion in length
Heat the Butter and put onion, heat them till very little brown.
Add. Ginger, Garlic Let it heat for good 3-4 minutes or till light brown.
Now add salt, Red chilli powder and Eggs and let them heat for 2 minutes
Sprinkle coriander just before turning off the burner.

Adding Fun to Porridge

Quick Healthy Breakfast - Global Fashion Street

Picture: Global Fashion Street / Team GFS / April 2016

I have always found porridge to be the most boring breakfast option that my mother served us during my growing years. I would avoid it with everything possible! And if you are from the same league as me, here’s some good news. I have come up with this easy way to make it tasty and interesting for me to enjoy. So, here’s how to make it healthy, nutritious and tasty, all at the same go!

What you need (Ingredients)

Boiled Porridge
Banana 1
Cornflakes half a cup
Fresh Dates 5-6 Julienned
Honey 2-3 teaspoons
Raisins- 2-3 teaspoons
Lotus seeds 5-6 dry roasted
Almonds 5-6 crushed

For Boiled Porridge:

Quick Healthy Breakfast - Global Fashion Street

Picture: Global Fashion Street / Team GFS / April 2016

Pressure cook some porridge grains after roasting it in the cooker only, add some milk and little water and simmer it down after the first whistle boil for ten minutes. No need to add sugar. Once the porridge is ready, let it cool down a little before pouring it in the bowl.

Putting things together:
Add honey in the porridge and mix, and then slice the banana in not very thin slices over it. Add cornflakes but do not mix. Now garnish it with raisins, lotus seeds, almonds and dates. Enjoy this easy yet healthy breakfast for good strength and sumptuousness.

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Lokesh Chopra

A complete foodie by choice, Lokesh likes to indulge in trying new and interesting recipes from all cuisines. Coming from the corporate world, what started as a de-stress call, soon became a passion. Today, he has his own fanfare waiting for him to start his own eatery.

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