The Heart Chakra

Posted on 27/03/2016 By

The Heart Chakra - GlobalFashionStreet

Do you love to play music, paint, sing, draw, dance or express your emotions with your work, well then the next chakra, the heart chakra is definitely dominant in you.

Before we proceed let’s look at a few questions. How many of us drive – a car or a bike or any other vehicle?

When we start to drive, with every practice, we get better and confident. And soon we are on our own – for long drives too! On a particular day, on our onward journey on a highway, if our vehicle breaks down what do we do? Do we keep looking for people who can fix it or open the engine and attempt to start fixing it?

The Heart Chakra - GlobalFashionStreet

Some of us, who have spent time, energy and interest to see how the engine or the inside works will have a higher degree of possibility to fix it, and thus move on with their journey quickly. The others will wait for help.This is also how some of us, lead our lives. Wouldn’t it be great if we could also learn how the inside works for us too!

Well on that note, let’s now continue our inward journey with our fourth chakra – The Heart Chakra. This is about creativity, love and balance.

This chakra is in the center i.e. a connection between the top 3 and the bottom 3 chakras and is therefore referred to as the balance seat of our human body. It is located in the middle of the chest and is called “Anahata” with the color green and the sound is “Vam”.

The Heart Chakra - GlobalFashionStreet

The word Anahata in Sanskrit means: unstruck, unbeaten and unhurt. It is represented with serenity, calmness, love and balance. It is a source of infinite love and creativity.

In our Upanishads, this chakra is designated with a tiny flame in the heart .It is believed that ,in the Ramayana, Hanuman (The greatest devotee of Shri Ram) pulled opened his chest, for people to witness the living presence of Sita and Rama. This is therefore also referred to our inner temple in which our “Atma”(soul) or the “flame of life” resides.

Physically, this chakra directly affects the heart, lungs, chest, arms, and hands. When misaligned, poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, and other heart and lung conditions can result. Mentally, an imbalance can result in problematic issues, such as co-dependence, manipulative behaviors, feeling of unworthiness, and an inability to trust yourself or others, according to Stephanie Snyder.

In the arena of five senses, the sense of touch is associated with the chakra. Skin and hands are also in its sphere of well-being.
Have you ever experienced love, satisfaction, completeness, state of bliss, well the physical experience of all these and many more emotions is felt in this chakra.

Have you ever experienced love, satisfaction, completeness, state of bliss, well the physical experience of all these and many more emotions is felt in this chakra.

When we take a deep breath, it reaches deep within our heart chakra and gives us the space to think wise. Hence it’s commonly said “Take a deep Breath”!

Well then “Take a deep Breath” and progress with love, joy, bliss and creativity .

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Ruchi Narang

Ruchi brings along with a Rich experience of 15 years in the field of Behavioral and Leadership skills training in the Corporate World. She is a Reiki Master and has been practicing it for 16 years . She runs her own workshop – “Love , Laugh and Live , FLY ( Fall in love with yourself ) with an objective to help everyone lead a fulfilled life.

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